Wednesday, September 14, 2016


People are talking a lot about elections these days.  I don't understand what they mean by "elections," but they make a lot of people very mad.  People are shouting at each other, people who used to be friends.  

Elections must do a bad job at whatever they are supposed to do.  From what I've heard, each side chose a leader who is really terrible.  It seems that one of these terrible people is going to win, but they are both terrible.  Who decided that these elections were the way to go?

When the elections are over, will friends be friends again, or will they always hate each other?  

When elections are over, will the world come to an end?  I've heard several people say this will happen, if the elections go the wrong way.

Are elections like a ball game, with two teams?  Are there rules against unsportsmanlike conduct?  Is lying allowed during elections?  How much money does it cost to be on the team?  It sounds like it costs a lot.

When the elections are all over, will I get anything out of them?  Is this like Christmas, with presents, or is it trick-or-treat like Halloween?  Will I be happier, or will I be very, very sad?  How will my life change, when elections are all over?

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